Rails 1.0 |
2005-12 |
Ruby 1.8.6 |
Rails 1.2 |
2007-01 |
REST routes |
respond_to/format |
ActiveSupport::Multibyte |
Rails 2 |
2007-12 |
RESTful routes improvements; nested routes |
/people/1/edit instead of /people/1;edit |
.html.erb instead of .rhtml |
t.type :name instead of t.column :name, :type |
Rails 2.1 |
2008-05 |
Time zones |
Gem dependencies (config.gem in environment.rb) |
named scopes |
record changes |
UTC-named migrations |
Rails 2.2 |
2008-11 |
Ruby 1.8.6, 1.8.7 |
Internationalization framework |
Thread safety |
transactional migrations |
vendorized gems |
String#chars -> mb_chars |
Rails 2.3 |
2009-03 |
Ruby 1.8.6, 1.8.7, 1.9.1 |
Engines |
use Rack middleware, Metal |
Nested forms |
dynamic & default scopes |
*Rails 3.0 |
2010-08 |
Ruby 1.8.6, 1.9.2, 1.9.3 |
Merb integration |
ARel query engine |
new router |
new action mailer |
Bundler |
supports jQuery (not only prototype); Data Mapper (not only ActiveRecord) etc |
Rails 3.1 |
2011-08 |
asset pipeline |
HTTP streaming |
jQuery as default |
reversible migrations |
mountable engines |
mass-assignment protection |
Rails 3.2 |
2012-01 |
plugins deprecated |
faster dev mode |
explain queries |
Rails 4.0 |
2013-06 |
Ruby 1.9.3, 2.0 |
strong parameters |
Turbolinks |
live streaming |
save for threaded servers |
Rails 4.1 |
2014-04 |
Ruby 1.9.3, 2.0, 2.1 |
Spring preloader |
Variant templates |
Enums |
Mailer previews |
config/secrets.yml |
Rails 4.2 |
2014-12 |
Ruby 1.9.3, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 |
Active Job framework |
Adequate Record optimizations |
Web Console |
Foreign key support in migration DSL |
Rails 5 |
2015-… |
Ruby 2.2.1 |
rails command execute rake tasks too |
rake test TEST=… -> rails test … |
rake restart |
Rails API |
Turbolinks 3.0 |
Action Cable (WebSockets; uses Redis) |
Model.where(…).or(Model.where(…)) |
belongs_to required by default (=> optional: true) |
has_secure_token |
alias_method_chain deprecated (-> prepend) |